Wednesday, 30 January 2013

How to listen to Sirius XM Radio from Qatar

How to listen to Sirius XM Radio from Qatar

How to listen to Sirius XM Radio from Qatar
How to listen to Sirius XM Radio from Qatar?Sirius XM Radio is an American broadcasting company that serves two satellite radioservices (SDARS) operating in the USA, Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Satellite Radio.The company also possesses a minority interest in Sirius XM Canada, an affiliate company which provides Sirius and XM service in Canada. In 2011, SiriusXM stated that it will offer other radio channels like Pandora. The new features will enable listeners to replay, skip and ban songs, along with five hours worth of time-shifting capabilities on most channels and some on-demand features.
Sirius XM Radio Accessible only in USA?
The web service is unavailable for listeners living outside the fifty states of America. Actually the licensing constraints forced the company to settle a blocking system, that prevents the international broadcasting.
However, despite all of the highlighted positive features, there is one thing that is missing from this entire package. This feature is the accessibility of the service across the world. The problem with Sirius XM Radio is that it is only accessible in USA. We know that internet has removed distances and the world is now a global village. By virtue of this, the music of different nations, countries and cultures is also popular in other regions as well. Hence, many people would love to listen toSirius XM Radio outside the USAthat have a taste for music but as the service is restricted to USA. They are deprived of this facility.
USE US IP VPN for Accessing Sirius XM Radio outside USA!
There is good news for all of our readers: you can now access Sirius XM Radio in any part of the world! All you need to do is get aVPNconnection and then change your IP with a US IP. By doing this, the Sirius XM Radio servers will not realize that you are outside US as the IP address indicates the location of a netizen. In this way, you will be granted full access to the Raditaz radio by the help of aUS VPNconnection.
Get the Android version, The iOS version or just use their website to play songs. You can useAndroid VPN,iPad VPN,iPhone VPNBypass the ip address block.
What you need is a VPN account !
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Tuesday, 29 January 2013



海外のウェブサービスにはヨダレもののお宝ファイルがたくさんある。だが最近は日本での人気が高まりすぎて、日本からのアクセスを遮断してしているサービスが意外に多い。せっかく便利に使っていたのに許せん! IPアドレスを偽装して日本以外からのアクセスに見せかけ、規制されているウェブサービスを使い倒そう!
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Vpntrafficはワンタッチダイヤルアップのソフトで、地域制限を突破し、IPを変えることで、セキュリティの確保とプライバシーの保護ができます。わずらわしい設定無く、ワンタッチでダイヤルアップできます。pptp、l2tp/ipsecをサポートするサーバーが世界中に設置され、Facebook・Twitter・Youtube・BBC iPlayerなどのご利用をお手助けします。
- Europe:UK, France, Germany, Sweden,Russia,Spain,Switzerland,Italy,Netherlands,Norway,Denmark,Belgium,Czech,Poland,Romania
- America: USA,Canada,Mexico,Colombia,Argentina,Brazil
- Asia: China,India,Japan,United Arab Emirates,Malaysia,Singapore,Korea,Turkey,Indonesia,Thailand,Philippines,Hong Kong,Vietnam,Israel,Saudi Arabia,Kuwait
- Other:Australia
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Monday, 28 January 2013

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VpnTraffic - All in one-tap vpn , libera la tua Internet, aggira i blocchi legati al tuo paese!Scegli un server a cui connetterti tra 35+ paesi nel mondo. Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec.
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Le caratteristiche di VpnTraffic per Android:
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Server VPN disponibili nel mondo:
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Utilizza una connessione SICURA e CIFRATA fra il tuo computer e ilresto della rete Internet. Impedisci a ISP locali di spiarti e dicontrollare la velocit del tuo traffico dati.
I nostri servizi VPN sono un metodo semplice e efficace di aggiungere un ragionevole livello di privacy e sicurezza alla vostra connessione internet. Aggiungonuo un livello di SICUREZZA e ANONIMATO.
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Sunday, 27 January 2013

How to Use Sirius XM Radio in Canada

How to Use Sirius XM Radio in Canada

How to Use Sirius XM Radio in Canada
How to Use Sirius XM Radio in Canada?Sirius XM Radio is an American broadcasting company that serves two satellite radioservices (SDARS) operating in the USA, Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Satellite Radio.The company also possesses a minority interest in Sirius XM Canada, an affiliate company which provides Sirius and XM service in Canada. In 2011, SiriusXM stated that it will offer other radio channels like Pandora. The new features will enable listeners to replay, skip and ban songs, along with five hours worth of time-shifting capabilities on most channels and some on-demand features.
Sirius XM Radio Accessible only in USA?
The web service is unavailable for listeners living outside the fifty states of America. Actually the licensing constraints forced the company to settle a blocking system, that prevents the international broadcasting.
However, despite all of the highlighted positive features, there is one thing that is missing from this entire package. This feature is the accessibility of the service across the world. The problem with Sirius XM Radio is that it is only accessible in USA. We know that internet has removed distances and the world is now a global village. By virtue of this, the music of different nations, countries and cultures is also popular in other regions as well. Hence, many people would love to listen toSirius XM Radio outside the USAthat have a taste for music but as the service is restricted to USA. They are deprived of this facility.
USE US IP VPN for Accessing Sirius XM Radio outside USA!
There is good news for all of our readers: you can now access Sirius XM Radio in any part of the world! All you need to do is get aVPNconnection and then change your IP with a US IP. By doing this, the Sirius XM Radio servers will not realize that you are outside US as the IP address indicates the location of a netizen. In this way, you will be granted full access to the Raditaz radio by the help of aUS VPNconnection.
Get the Android version, The iOS version or just use their website to play songs. You can useAndroid VPN,iPad VPN,iPhone VPNBypass the ip address block.
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Saturday, 26 January 2013

How to watch Tudou videos in Chile

How to watch Tudou videos in Chile

How to watch Tudou videos in Chile
China-based Tudou is among the most popular video-sharing websites worldwide. Tudou serves seven million users daily and it represents more than 50% of all video traffic in China. However, access to Tudou outside China might be blocked because of internet censorship, which is the case with many social networks in China.
More likely, access is blocked because of regional legal agreements regarding content. When you try to access Tudou outside China, Tudous servers identify your IP address coming from a foreign location and they then block or slow access. I know that from the US, many of the movies I could watch on Tudou in China are blocked even though the videos are still available.
It is possible to unblock access to Tudou from anywhere by changing your IP address. Virtual private network services, or VPNs, are a good solution for getting access to streaming websites. Streaming requires substantial bandwidth so choose a VPN with unlimited bandwidth. You can find a handful online and register with them for a small monthly fee. The right VPN service will provide you with aChinese IP addressto access Tudou outside China, regardless of your current location. That means that you can access Tudou virtually anywhere. After a couple of minutes access is unblocked for streaming websites anywhere, legally, permanently and with great results.
As one of the most popular video websites in China, Youku is available for you to watch hundreds of movies and TV series online free.Watch tudou Outside China
But all those videos are only available for Mainland China, as what you can see from the following image:
Luckily, where theres a will theres always a way, you can definitely watch Youku outside China.
What you need is China VPN account !
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Friday, 25 January 2013

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hur dljer man sin ip adress gratis

hur dljer man sin ip adress gratis
hur dljer man sin ip adress gratis
VPN (av engelska virtual private network, p svenska virtuellt privat ntverk) r en teknik som anvnds fr att skapa skra frbindelser, s kallade tunnlar, mellan tv punkter i ett oskert datantverk (ssom Internet).
Varfr ska man anvnda en VPN tjnst?
* Dlja ditt riktiga IP
* Skra din Internet-anslutning
* F en IP-adress i ett annat land
* Frhindra spionerande p ditt kontor / arbete / skola
* Kringg proxies och filter
* F tillgng till blockerade webbplatser (som i Thailand, Frenade Arabemiraten, Egypten etc.)
* Tillgng till BBC IPlayer Channel 4, Amerikanska webb-tv tjnster som Hulu m.m.
* Kringg ISPs hastighetsbegrnsningar p P2P-ntverk
* Spela online-spel, anvnda Spype, MSN och ICQ.
* Frhindra online-attacker
* Du ser cool ut fr dina vnner
Varfr r VPN bttre n en webbproxy nr du surfar p ntet?
Fr det frsta, proxies r endast webbaserade. Vilket innebr att de r till fr att visa webbsidor och drfr ger dig inte skydd nr du anvnder Internet fr e-post, ICQ, MSN, spel, fildelning etc. Med VPN gr all Internet-trafiken ver en sker anslutning. Fr det andra, finns risken att anonyma web proxies stjl eller lagrar dina inloggningsuppgifter till ngon webbplats som du besker. Detta beror p ngon webbplats du besker (till exempel Hotmail eller PayPal) leds genom proxy, och mnga av dessa platser drivs av bedragare som kan tmma din konton och komma t dina data. Anvnd en plitlig VPN leverantr och du kommer att vara sker.
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VpnTraffic - Allt i en knackning vpn , ls upp ditt Internet, Kringg platsbaserade blockeringar! Vlj en serverplats fratt ansluta till, VPN-Servrar i mer n 35 lnder runt om i vrlden.Std fr PPTP och L2TP/IPsec.
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Om du behver ndra din IP-adress?
Om du behver Titta p BBC iPlayer frn ngonstans i vrlden?
Om du behver titta p Netflix Utanfr USA?
VpnTraffic fr funktioner:
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runt om i vrlden)
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- Fungerar med wifi, 3G, GSM och alla mobila dataenheter
VPN-servrar runt om i vrlden:
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- Amerika: USA, Kanada, Mexiko, Colombia, Argentina, Brasilien
- Asien: Kina, Indien, Japan, Frenade Arabemiraten, Malaysia,Singapore, Sydkorea, Turkiet, Indonesien, Thailand, Filippinerna,Hongkong, Vietnam, Israel, Saudiarabien, Kuwait
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Vpn-trafik - frigr ditt Internet,F tillgng till Skype,VoIP,TV-kanaler och strmmande video s som: Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer. Grunt platsbaserade blockeringar! VPN-servrar i mer n 40 lnder runtom i vrlden. Stdjer PPTP och L2TP/IPsec.
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Thursday, 24 January 2013

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virker netflix i udlandet
Hvorfor VPN?
Er du trt af at blive overvget at din administrator eller udbyder, nr du surfer rundt? Med en VPN forbindelse er din trafik altid krypteret, og du kan hverken blive overvget af din lokale eller eksterne administrator!
Med VPN kan du trygt og roligt surfe rundt uden at skulle vre bange for at blive afslret i, hvad du bruger internettet til.
Sprrer din arbejdsgiver, administrator eller internetudbyder for sider eller services, du gerne vil kunne bruge? Bor du i et land der blokerer for Skype, Facebook, Youtube og andre sider, du gerne vil bruge? Eller befinder du dig p en skole hvor der er blokeret for spil?
Med VPN har du altid adgang til det store internet uden blokeringer!
Net TV
Befinder du dig uden for danmark, men gerne vil have muligheden for at kunne se dansk Net TV? Kan du heller ikke bruge danske net tjenester nr du befinder dig i udlandet? Eller krver en hjemmeside at du har en dansk IP-adresse? Med VPN er du altid forbundet med en dansk IP-adresse, som giver dig mulighed for at benytte alle danske net tjenester, selvom du befinder dig i udlandet!
Vpn trafik.. 1 klik vpn gir tilslutning til i 35 + lande, hurtige og stabile servere.
Vpn trafik.. Alt i eet klik vpn til , lser dit internet op, undg geografiske blokeringer. Vlg en server at logge p i 35+ lande, VPN servere med Worldwide support af pptp og I2p/ipsec
Hvis man har brug for at g p websider incl Facebook, Twitter osv
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- undg geografisk blokering af ip adresse
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VPN Servere Worldwide :
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Vpn trafik,fjern geografisk blokering p dit internet,g p skype med vpn,VOIP,Tv stationer,stream video ssom Hulu,Netflix,BBC IPlayer!F adgang til mere end 40+ landes VPN servers. Worldwide support p pptp og I2tp/ipsec.
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Wednesday, 23 January 2013

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как получить Индия ip адресс

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Рано или поздно каждый из нас задумывается о безопасности и защите своих данных в сети Интернет. Если ваш IP адрес является адресом вашего провайдера,то ваш интернет трафик и информация не защищены и вы можете быть подвержены прослушиванию , мониторингу и контролю всей вашей интернет активности, хакерским атакам с целью кражи вашей личной информации, паролей к электронной почте, различным сервисам, т.е. ваша информация не защищена от утечки и воздействию вредоносных программ и недоброжелателей! Неужели все так плохо?! Выход есть - купить vpn. Если вы заботитесь о сохранности личной информации, ведете деловую переписку, желаете получить доступ к информации не доступной с IP адреса вашего провайдера (например форумы, блоги и т.д.), имеете ограниченный интернет на работе, играете в онлайн-игры и доступ с вашего IP адреса заблокирован и т.д., тогда VPN-сервис для Вас и Вы сможете купить vpn у нас по выгодной цене! Конечным вашим IP адресом будет IP адрес одного из серверов, а ваш IP адрес останется скрытым. Сервера принудительно зашифруют ваш интернет трафик на пути к cерверу, сделав ваше путешествие в сети Интернет защищенным и анонимным!!!
Сегодня мы хотели бы вам рассказать об интересном VPN сервисе vpntraffic.
Как вы давно уже знаете, многие Европейские сервера закрыли доступ к своим услугам из других стран! Как же быть? Как, например, пообщаться со своими родными и близкими, которые уехали за границу или просто заказать товар из Европейской страны? Да и вообще, если Вы хотите анонимно пользоваться Интернетом по какой-либо причине, что же делать?
Изучая проблему в Интернете, мы нашли замечательный сервис vpntraffic. Он привлек наше внимание из-за низкой стоимости и в тоже время, отличным набором услуг и стран, через которые есть возможность подключаться. 40 стран, основыне из которых US, UK, CA, Australia, Spain, France, Italy, Russia, HK, Japan в вашем распоряжении 24 часа в сутки. Сервис постоянно развивается и количество стран увеличивается с каждой неделей. Круглосуточная техническая поддержка поможет решить вам любую проблему и настроить соединие на свое компьютере.
Если вы пользуетесь подобной услугой впервые и хотели бы проверить, как это все работает есть замечательная возможность приобрести авторизацию только на три дня. Т.е. вы потратите совсем небольшие средства, но в тоже время восспользуетесь полным набором услуг данного сервиса и проверите его работоспособность.
Всем, кто столкнулся с закрытыми сайтами для других стран рекомендуем VPN сервис vpntraffic.
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Tuesday, 22 January 2013

How to watch Tudou videos in Syria

How to watch Tudou videos in Syria

How to watch Tudou videos in Syria
China-based Tudou is among the most popular video-sharing websites worldwide. Tudou serves seven million users daily and it represents more than 50% of all video traffic in China. However, access to Tudou outside China might be blocked because of internet censorship, which is the case with many social networks in China.
More likely, access is blocked because of regional legal agreements regarding content. When you try to access Tudou outside China, Tudous servers identify your IP address coming from a foreign location and they then block or slow access. I know that from the US, many of the movies I could watch on Tudou in China are blocked even though the videos are still available.
It is possible to unblock access to Tudou from anywhere by changing your IP address. Virtual private network services, or VPNs, are a good solution for getting access to streaming websites. Streaming requires substantial bandwidth so choose a VPN with unlimited bandwidth. You can find a handful online and register with them for a small monthly fee. The right VPN service will provide you with aChinese IP addressto access Tudou outside China, regardless of your current location. That means that you can access Tudou virtually anywhere. After a couple of minutes access is unblocked for streaming websites anywhere, legally, permanently and with great results.
As one of the most popular video websites in China, Youku is available for you to watch hundreds of movies and TV series online free.Watch tudou Outside China
But all those videos are only available for Mainland China, as what you can see from the following image:
Luckily, where theres a will theres always a way, you can definitely watch Youku outside China.
What you need is China VPN account !
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How to Watch Seesaw video streaming in Vietnam

How to Watch Seesaw video streaming in Vietnam

How to Watch Seesaw video streaming in Vietnam
Watch Seesaw in Vietnam. SeeSaw is a brand of streaming video that was developed in late 2009 and then shown in a trial period in February 2010. It streams video to users via Adobe Flash Player and also works on Android capable devices. It is an Internet connection for a TV platform designed to be used in the UK, and you cant watch Seesaw outside the UK.
Seesaw Starts with Lots of UK Content
When it first came out, Seesaw had a content agreement with BBC Worldwide and can show programs such as Doctor Who, Cranford, Larke Rise to Cranford, The Gadget Show and Footballers Wives to name a few. It also carries programs from UK Channel 4, ITV1, as well as made for TV films from RHI Entertainment, so it has become quite popular, but you cant see this content orwatch Seesaw outside the UK.
All content is free, but includes 60-second advertisements that are shown before and after each TV episode a viewer watches. SeeSaw has been designed for both viewers and advertisers, said Pierre-Jean Sebert, SeeSaw CEO, during a press conference. Its the best TV, collected together in one place on a site thats easy to use.
In order to be able to watch SeeSaw from anywhere in the world you need aUK VPNservice that provides access to a UK server. This way, when you connect to the VPN you will be seen as leaving in UK and you will be granted full access to all shows available. This is the easiest way tounblock SeeSaw!
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Monday, 21 January 2013

How To Watch Youku Videos in Kuwait

How To Watch Youku Videos in Kuwait

How To Watch Youku Videos in Kuwait
Some videos are fine to watch, but many are inaccesible outside of China/region restriced. So does anyone know if there is any kind of VPN to get localised access to Chinese websites?
As one of the most popular video websites in China, Youku is available for you to watch hundreds of movies and TV series online free.Watch Youku Outside China
But all those videos are only available for Mainland China, as what you can see from the following image:
Luckily, where theres a will theres always a way, you can definitely watch Youku outside China.
What you need is China VPN account !
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How to use VPN/Proxy Play WOW US EU TW Server in Austria

How to use VPN/Proxy Play WOW US EU TW Server in Austria

How to use VPN/Proxy Play WOW US EU TW Server in Austria
Play wow in Austria? Reduce latency online game anywhere. I am a US server player. Like all of you, I cant connect to US servers and US official website after the blockage. I did some research and found out there is a way to connect to US server. I subscribed a US Virtual Private Network(VPN) account and i am able to connect and play US WoW now. The theory is i am using my internet connection to connect to the VPN, then connect to any server or website u want. TheVPN provideris VpnTraffic . The speed of my provider is ok. around 500ms to 1.5k ms. sometimes, it is higher, but its quite stable so far. For those people who play in EU or TW server, i think it will be better if u find some EU or TW local VPN providers. I hope my info could help u guys.
WoW Lag got you downReduce The Lag? Cant finish your quest because of lag, always getting killed in battlegrounds because of lag? Then this guide is for you! This guide will help you to identify the problem that is causing you to lag.
Withwow vpn, you can play wow us server,eu server or tw server freely.
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Sunday, 20 January 2013

How to watch NBC Video online in Ukraine

How to watch NBC Video online in Ukraine

How to watch NBC Video online in Ukraine
Access NBC online in Ukraine? NBC has a million shows such as Americas got talent, Law and order, 30 Rock, Battlestar Galactica and so on. Basically they have months worth of great content all ready to be streamed online unless you live outside the US.
The National Broadcasting Company (NBC) is an American commercial broadcasting television network and former radio network headquartered in the GE Building in New York Citys Rockefeller Center with additional major offices near Los Angeles and in Chicago. NBC is sometimes referred to as the Peacock Network, due to its stylized peacock logo, created originally for color broadcasts.
So I am not going to bore you anymore and instead go straight to the solution: VPN. If you have no idea what I am talking about I referring to Virtual Private Networks. A VPN connection will allow you to connect to a server located in the US. This server will act as a middleman between you and the website you are trying to connect to. Because all your traffic is going trough the VPN server it will look like you are located within the US and that is why NBC will allow you to watch their content afterall.
For expatriates or simply foreigners, one of the best way is to choose aVPN(Virtual Private Network). This kind of software will allow you to switch your IP into a new one (depending of the server location that you choose). It will enable to bypass any geo-restriction system, thus you will be able to enjoy the CBS content.
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Friday, 18 January 2013

Чешская республика сервер vpn

Чешская республика сервер vpn

Чешская республика сервер vpn
Чешская республика сервер vpn
Рано или поздно каждый из нас задумывается о безопасности и защите своих данных в сети Интернет. Если ваш IP адрес является адресом вашего провайдера,то ваш интернет трафик и информация не защищены и вы можете быть подвержены прослушиванию , мониторингу и контролю всей вашей интернет активности, хакерским атакам с целью кражи вашей личной информации, паролей к электронной почте, различным сервисам, т.е. ваша информация не защищена от утечки и воздействию вредоносных программ и недоброжелателей! Неужели все так плохо?! Выход есть - купить vpn. Если вы заботитесь о сохранности личной информации, ведете деловую переписку, желаете получить доступ к информации не доступной с IP адреса вашего провайдера (например форумы, блоги и т.д.), имеете ограниченный интернет на работе, играете в онлайн-игры и доступ с вашего IP адреса заблокирован и т.д., тогда VPN-сервис для Вас и Вы сможете купить vpn у нас по выгодной цене! Конечным вашим IP адресом будет IP адрес одного из серверов, а ваш IP адрес останется скрытым. Сервера принудительно зашифруют ваш интернет трафик на пути к cерверу, сделав ваше путешествие в сети Интернет защищенным и анонимным!!!
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I nostri servizi VPN sono un metodo semplice e efficace di aggiungere un ragionevole livello di privacy e sicurezza alla vostra connessione internet. Aggiungonuo un livello di SICUREZZA e ANONIMATO.
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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

كيفية فتح المواقع الاسرائيلية

كيفية فتح المواقع الاسرائيلية

كيفية فتح المواقع الاسرائيلية
VpnTraffic - اتصل بضغطة زر من خلال برنامج الاندرويد، افتح المواقع المحظورة. اتصل بأي سيرفر من سيرفراتنا بين اكثر من 35 سيرفر من دول متنوعة. ندعم الاتصالالآمن.
اذا كنت تريد فتح كل المواقع الالكترونية، بما بينها الفيسبوك، و تويتر، و المزيد؟
اذا كنت تريد تغيير الاي بي الخاص بك؟
اذا كنت تريد مشاهدة BBC iPlayer من اي مكان بالعالم؟
اذا كنت تريد مشاهدة Netflix من خارج الولايات المتحدة الامريكية؟
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فتح المواقع المحجوبة من قبل الدولة او شركة الاتصالات.
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Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Cara Buka Situs Yang Diblokir Telkom

Cara Buka Situs Yang Diblokir Telkom

Cara Buka Situs Yang Diblokir Telkom
Cara buka situs yang diblokir telkom memang sudah tidak sedikit lagi orang yang membuat tutorialnya, namun pusbercom akan turut membantu memberikan informasi untuk Anda yang merasa tidak nyaman ketika akses site Anda dibatasi atau ada situs yang tidak bisa diakses karena di blokir oleh telkom, yang mungkin itu adalah salah satu situs yang rekomended buat Anda buka dan Anda butuhkan. Pemblokiran biasanya dilakukan oleh beberapa pihak tertentu seperti telkom, nawala, aha dll.
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Anonymous Surfing. Maksudnya kita menjelajah internet tanpa terlacak IP asli kita, karena IP komputer kita akan terdeteksi IP lain (anonymous) sesuai dengan IP server VPN yang dipakai. Jadi kita online aman dari serangan hacker.
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Menjaga keamanan username dan password kita saat login ke website-website financial dari hacker dan sniffers.
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Username dan Password akun VPN bisa direquest sesuai keinginan Anda sendiri.
Virtual private network (VPN) : Sebuah koneksi yang aman antara dua bagian dari sebuah jaringan pribadi yang digunakan pada sebuah jaringan publik seperti Internet untuk mengurangi biaya operasional.
Anda harus bekerja walau sedang tidak berada di kantor. Mungkin saat Anda tengah berada di jalan atau bekerja di rumah, atau sedang berada di lapangan di tengah-tengah proyek, Anda memerlukan akses ke file-file, e-mail, dan database di kantor pusat Anda. Mengkoneksikan diri langsung ke server kantor Anda mungkin merupakan salah satu solusi, tetapi hal tersebut bisa menjadi sangat mahal dan memerlukan hardware dan dukungan teknis yang rumit. Mengirim file melalui Internet mungkin menjadi sarana yang paling mudah, tetapi belum tentu file yang Anda kirim aman dari para pengendus (sniffer) yang suka mencuri dan mengintip rahasia orang lain. Jadi, kenapa tidak Anda bawa saja jaringan tersebut kemana-mana?
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Monday, 14 January 2013

How To Watch Youku Video in Australia

How To Watch Youku Video in Australia

How To Watch Youku Video in Australia
Some videos are fine to watch, but many are inaccesible outside of China/region restriced. So does anyone know if there is any kind of VPN to get localised access to Chinese websites?
As one of the most popular video websites in China, Youku is available for you to watch hundreds of movies and TV series online free.Watch Youku Outside China
But all those videos are only available for Mainland China, as what you can see from the following image:
Luckily, where theres a will theres always a way, you can definitely watch Youku outside China.
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Sunday, 13 January 2013

Při připojen na VPN mě odpoj z internetu

Při připojen na VPN mě odpoj z internetu

Při připojen na VPN mě odpoj z internetu
mm problm s VPN. Při připojen na VPN se mi hned odpoj internet. Nape hlku omezen nebo ždn připojen. Jinak internet normlně chod. A i mě to fungovalo dřv normlně. Mm Windows 7. Diky za odpovědi.
Přitom v USA mte řadu online služeb, kter vm požadovan obsah poskytnou, jen to m jeden hček. Muste se připojit z Spojench Sttu. Nebo se alespoň tvřit, že se tam nachzte.
A tohle je podmnka, kter se d velice dobře splnit i ze středu Evropy. Potřebujete jen provozovatele, kter vm poskytne VPN připojen, respektive tunel do USA. Vy si v klidu sedte doma, přes VPN se připojte k providerovi v USA a od toho okamžiku jste oficilně za ocenem. Veker vae internetov aktivita je brna jako přstup z USA a tm pdem mte přstup i k irok nabdce služeb.
VpnTraffic - VPN pro na jedno kliknut, servery v 35+ zemch.Rychl a stabiln!
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Potřebujete sledovat Netflix mimo USA?
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VPN servery ve světě:
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Thursday, 10 January 2013

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VPN Nedir?
Sanal zel ağ kelimelerinin İngilizce baş harflerinden oluşur (Virtual Private Network) başta, byk şirketler, bankalar, oteller, niversiteler tarafından insanlara sunulan zel ağlara gvenli bir şekilde uzaktan bağlanmalarını sağlar.
Birok kullanıcı tarafından tercih edilen VPN (Virtual Private Network) mevcut internet altyapınızı kullanarak hem gvenli hemde hızlı bir erişim imkanı sunar. Sanal bir ağ oluşturulan bu sistemde, kendi bilgisayarınızdan başka bir bilgisayarı kullanıyormuş gibi hibir yeni ekran aılmadan işlemlerinize devam edebilirsiniz. Ayrıca gezdiğiniz siteler IP adresinizi VPN makinesinin IP adresi olarak grecek ve sizde gizlenmiş olacaksınız.
Biz ise VPN altyapısını kullanarak, istediğimiz internet sitesine aracı bir bilgisayar yani VPN ile ziyaret etmek istiyoruz. En nemli nokta VPN kullanmak yasal yani dnyada ve lkemizde de bir su teşkil etmiyor.
lkemizde bugne kadar 2 yıldan fazla sren YouTube engeli başta olmak zere birok engellemede kullandığımız proxy veya dns değiştirme yntemleri, 22 Kasım 2011 sonrası alışmayacak ve kara listedeki 75bin e yakın siteye erişim duracaktır. İşte bu noktada VPN in hızlı ykselişi beklenen bir durumdur.
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Normal internet bağlantınız aık iken, Vpntraffic programını kullanarak 100% tm sitelere erişim garantisi sunar. Ek bir ayarlama veya farklı bir internet tarayıcısına ihtiya duymaz. Ulusal filtreler dahil kimse sizin hangi siteye girdiğinizi anlayamaz. İnternet bağlantınız hibir şekilde takip edilemez, btn işlemleriniz gvende olur ve istediğiniz sitelerde surf yapabilirsiniz. Esas amacı internet sansrne zmdr. Akıllarda olan bir soruda kullanıcılarımızın tm bilgileri 128-bit ile şifrelenmekte olup, her kullanıcıya zel kullanıcı adı ve şifre tahsis edilmektedir. Ayrıca belirttiğimiz gibi bilgisayarınızda hibir değişiklik yapmanıza da gerek yoktur.
Trke program entegreli ilk VPN projesi olan Vpntraffic işte bu noktada n plana ıkmaktadır. Kendi sermayemiz ile bugnlere gelen vpntraffic, Mayıs 2011 ayından itibaren, 40 farklı lokasyonda (Almanya, Amerika, Belika, ek, Finlandiya, Fransa, Hollanda, Hong Kong, İngiltere, İrlanda, İspanya, İşve, İşvire, İtalya, Kanada, Lksemburg, Portekiz, Romanya, Rusya, Singapur, Trkiye) 52 adet sunucuyla sizlere VPN hizmeti vermektedir.
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VPNTraffic ,Internetinizdeki engelleri kaldırır,rahat bir şekilde Skype,VOIP ,TV kanalları ve Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer gibi video kanallarını kullanmanızı sağlar. Blgelere bağlı bloke ve kullanım yasaklarını kaldırır! Dnyada 40+ ın zerinde VPN servisimiz bulunmaktadır ve pptp ve l2tp/ipsec protokollerini destekler.
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Wednesday, 9 January 2013

How to Play iHeartRadio in Brazil

How to Play iHeartRadio in Brazil

How to Play iHeartRadio in Brazil
Play iHeartRadio outside US? Play iHeartRadio inBrazilwhen you travel ?
iHeartRadio is an Internet radio service owned by Clear Channel Communications. Founded in April 2008 as the website iheartmusic , iHeartRadio now works as both a music recommender system, and a radio network that aggregates content from over 800 local Clear Channel radio stations across the United States, as well as stations owned by companies other than Clear Channel. iHeartRadio is available online, via mobile devices (as iPhone, Android), and on select video game consoles (as Xbox)
The offer on includes:
More than 1,000 Live Stations from coast-to-coast including pop, country, urban, rock, talk, and college.
A catalog of 14 million songs and 400,000 artists all gathered in custom stations.
Unfortunately for those who already purchase an account, or simply want to suscribe outside US, the access is forbidden from abroad.
Actually the company didnt possess the rights for an international broadcasting. Therefore are the music contents blocked.
How to bypass the restriction on iHeartRadio?
The solution is very simple: you need to hide your identity and especially change your IP to a US or Canadian one. The VPN connects you to a server that provides a new IP, according to its location.
So, in order tounblockiHeartRadiooutside US, choose aVPNwith US servers.
What you need is a VPN account !
Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.
High Speed
All country server
buy cheap vpn at vpntraffic

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Comment obtenir une addresse IP Irlande

Comment obtenir une addresse IP Irlande

Comment obtenir une addresse IP Irlande
Je souhaiterais changer mon addresse IP trangre en IP Irlande. Ceci me permettrait de ne plus tre bloqu sur certains sites de VOD.
VpnTraffic -protge vos donnes et votre vie prive
VPNTraffic, Slectionnez simplement un serveur VPN en France, Suisse, Allemagne, Belgique, Luxembourg, ou ailleurs, parmi la slection des adresses IP en 40 pays.
Surfez anonymement-Chaque ordinateur a des caractristiques uniques: son adresse IP, son systme dexploitation, son navigateur etc... Sur internet, chaque ordinateur a sa propre adresse IP. En observant une adresse IP, vous pouvez trouver une quantit impressionnante dinformation propos de son propritaire. Presque chaque site web trace les informations de leurs visiteurs.
Pour ceux qui voyagent ou qui travaillent dans plusieurs endroits, vpntraffic peut tre la solution adquate pour protger votre connexion: elle ne pourra tre coute, ni intercepte. Les clients qui envisagent de se rendre dans des pays o laccs internet est limit comme en Chine, en Core du Nord, au Vietnam, Cuba, etc. pourront utiliser vpntraffic comme une passerelle vers le rseau internet europen ou amricain. Ils pourront galement contourner les restrictions de chaque pays et viter que leur trafic soit cout par les tiers. vpntraffic vous aide viter les limitations Internet dans la majorit des cas (Skype, YouTube, Facebook, etc.) et vous permet dapprcier Internet sans restrictions.
VpnTraffic - Contournez les restrictions dinternet et la censure. Choisir la localisation dun serveur pour sy connecter, Localisation virtuelle dans plus de 35 pays dans le monde.Support et L2TP/IPSec.
* Avez-vous besoin dacceder sites Web tels que Facebook, Twitter, et plus ?
* Etes vous dans le besoin de changer votre adresse IP ?
* Regarder Netflix En dehors des Etats-Unis ?
VpnTraffic vous propose les fonctionnalits suivantes pour votre Android:
- 1 application pour se connecter nos serveurs VPN, configuration gratuite!
- Enregistrement du nom dutilisateur / mots de passe,
- Pas de limitations de bande passante
- Connexion internet chiffre
- Contournez les restrictions dinternet et la censure gouvernementale.
- Switcher entre differents emplacements de serveur VPN (+35 serveurs autour du monde)
- Support PPTP et L2TP/IPSec
- Support de donnes wifi, 3G, GSM, et tout autre support de donnes mobiles
Serveurs VPN autour du monde:
- Europe: Royaume-Uni, France, Allemagne, Sude, Russie, Espagne, Suisse, Italie, Pays-Bas, Norvge, Danemark, Belgique, Rpublique tchque, la Pologne, la Roumanie
- Amrique: Etats-Unis, Canada, Mexique, Colombie, Argentine, Brsil
- Asie: Chine, Inde, Japon, Emirats Arabes Unis, la Malaisie, Singapour, la Core, la Turquie, lIndonsie, la Thalande, les Philippines, Hong Kong, au Vietnam, Isral, lArabie saoudite, le Kowet
- Autre: lAustralie
Non seulement pour les appareils Android , VpnTraffic supporte diffrent Os, Scurisez votre PC ou Mac.
VpnTraffic inclut plusieurs packages.Pour plus dinformation ou de support, visitez
What you need is a VPN account !
Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.
High Speed
All country server
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Monday, 7 January 2013

des VPN avec lADSL pour accder aux sites bloqus en France ?

des VPN avec lADSL pour accder aux sites bloqus en France ?

des VPN avec lADSL pour accder aux sites bloqus en France ?
pourrait prochainement inclure ses offres daccs Internet un service de VPN permettant notamment de djouer les restrictions gographiques de certains sites Internet. Cest ce qua annonc ce week-end sur Twitter son charismatique PDG Octave Klaba.
VpnTraffic -protge vos donnes et votre vie prive
VPNTraffic, Slectionnez simplement un serveur VPN en France, Suisse, Allemagne, Belgique, Luxembourg, ou ailleurs, parmi la slection des adresses IP en 40 pays.
Surfez anonymement-Chaque ordinateur a des caractristiques uniques: son adresse IP, son systme dexploitation, son navigateur etc... Sur internet, chaque ordinateur a sa propre adresse IP. En observant une adresse IP, vous pouvez trouver une quantit impressionnante dinformation propos de son propritaire. Presque chaque site web trace les informations de leurs visiteurs.
Pour ceux qui voyagent ou qui travaillent dans plusieurs endroits, vpntraffic peut tre la solution adquate pour protger votre connexion: elle ne pourra tre coute, ni intercepte. Les clients qui envisagent de se rendre dans des pays o laccs internet est limit comme en Chine, en Core du Nord, au Vietnam, Cuba, etc. pourront utiliser vpntraffic comme une passerelle vers le rseau internet europen ou amricain. Ils pourront galement contourner les restrictions de chaque pays et viter que leur trafic soit cout par les tiers. vpntraffic vous aide viter les limitations Internet dans la majorit des cas (Skype, YouTube, Facebook, etc.) et vous permet dapprcier Internet sans restrictions.
VpnTraffic - Contournez les restrictions dinternet et la censure. Choisir la localisation dun serveur pour sy connecter, Localisation virtuelle dans plus de 35 pays dans le monde.Support et L2TP/IPSec.
* Avez-vous besoin dacceder sites Web tels que Facebook, Twitter, et plus ?
* Etes vous dans le besoin de changer votre adresse IP ?
* Regarder Netflix En dehors des Etats-Unis ?
VpnTraffic vous propose les fonctionnalits suivantes pour votre Android:
- 1 application pour se connecter nos serveurs VPN, configuration gratuite!
- Enregistrement du nom dutilisateur / mots de passe,
- Pas de limitations de bande passante
- Connexion internet chiffre
- Contournez les restrictions dinternet et la censure gouvernementale.
- Switcher entre differents emplacements de serveur VPN (+35 serveurs autour du monde)
- Support PPTP et L2TP/IPSec
- Support de donnes wifi, 3G, GSM, et tout autre support de donnes mobiles
Serveurs VPN autour du monde:
- Europe: Royaume-Uni, France, Allemagne, Sude, Russie, Espagne, Suisse, Italie, Pays-Bas, Norvge, Danemark, Belgique, Rpublique tchque, la Pologne, la Roumanie
- Amrique: Etats-Unis, Canada, Mexique, Colombie, Argentine, Brsil
- Asie: Chine, Inde, Japon, Emirats Arabes Unis, la Malaisie, Singapour, la Core, la Turquie, lIndonsie, la Thalande, les Philippines, Hong Kong, au Vietnam, Isral, lArabie saoudite, le Kowet
- Autre: lAustralie
Non seulement pour les appareils Android , VpnTraffic supporte diffrent Os, Scurisez votre PC ou Mac.
VpnTraffic inclut plusieurs packages.Pour plus dinformation ou de support, visitez
What you need is a VPN account !
Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.
High Speed
All country server
buy cheap vpn at vpntraffic

Sunday, 6 January 2013

How to set up an encryption-only proxy server?

How to set up an encryption-only proxy server?

How to set up an encryption-only proxy server?
I need to create an encryption-only proxy server. By this I mean, from anywhere in the world Id like all of the companys laptops Internet traffic to be encrypted and routed through this single server. Caching would be nice, but not required; encryption between laptop and server are the only requirement.
What is a VPN?
VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia).
Why do I need a VPN?
Whether youre an expat living in a foreign country where the internet is heavily regulated, a mobile user constantly on the road, or just someone concerned with maintaining their privacy online, having aVPNis becoming essential.
VpnTraffic-1 tap vpn for Android,35+ Countries servers.Fast and Stable!
VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.
If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?
If you need Change your IP address?
If you need Watch BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the World?
If you need Watch Netflix Outside the US?
VpnTraffic features:
- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!
- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to
- No bandwidth limitations
- Encrypts your internet traffic
- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.
- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)
- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec
- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers
What you need is a VPN account !
Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.
High Speed
All country server
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Saturday, 5 January 2013

How to hide my IP completely ( Proxy , VPN ) and keep changing my IP

How to hide my IP completely ( Proxy , VPN ) and keep changing my IP

How to hide my IP completely ( Proxy , VPN ) and keep changing my IP
I want to change my IP like 100 times in 3 hours and do it daily . How to get this done , and also not get detected . I hear that normal proxes get detected very easily , VPNs are somewhat safer . Also how good is this tool - MicroVpn ? I would be needing high quality proxies or vpns .
What is a VPN?
VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia).
Why do I need a VPN?
Whether youre an expat living in a foreign country where the internet is heavily regulated, a mobile user constantly on the road, or just someone concerned with maintaining their privacy online, having aVPNis becoming essential.
VpnTraffic-1 tap vpn for Android,35+ Countries servers.Fast and Stable!
VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.
If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?
If you need Change your IP address?
If you need Watch BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the World?
If you need Watch Netflix Outside the US?
VpnTraffic features:
- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!
- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to
- No bandwidth limitations
- Encrypts your internet traffic
- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.
- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)
- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec
- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers
What you need is a VPN account !
Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.
High Speed
All country server
buy cheap vpn at vpntraffic

Friday, 4 January 2013

How to use skype for Dubai Expat in UAE

How to use skype for Dubai Expat in UAE

How to use skype for Dubai Expat in UAE
Is is possible to use Skype in the UAE? Ive heard mixed reports.
How to use VPN UnblockSkypeService
What is a VPN?
VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia).
Why do I need a VPN?
Whether youre an expat living in a foreign country where the internet is heavily regulated, a mobile user constantly on the road, or just someone concerned with maintaining their privacy online, having aVPNis becoming essential.
VpnTraffic-1 tap vpn for Android,35+ Countries servers.Fast and Stable!
VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.
If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?
If you need Change your IP address?
If you need Watch BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the World?
If you need Watch Netflix Outside the US?
VpnTraffic features:
- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!
- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to
- No bandwidth limitations
- Encrypts your internet traffic
- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.
- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)
- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec
- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers
What you need is a VPN account !
Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.
High Speed
All country server
buy cheap vpn at vpntraffic

Thursday, 3 January 2013

How to Configuration opendns google dns for OS X Snow Leopard

How to Configuration opendns google dns for OS X Snow Leopard

How to Configuration opendns google dns for OS X Snow Leopard
Go to System Preferences.
Click on Network.
Select the first connection in your list and click Advanced.
Select the DNS tab and add and to the list of DNS servers. Click OK.
Cache Flushing
What is a VPN?
VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia).
Why do I need a VPN?
Whether youre an expat living in a foreign country where the internet is heavily regulated, a mobile user constantly on the road, or just someone concerned with maintaining their privacy online, having aVPNis becoming essential.
VpnTraffic-1 tap vpn for Android,35+ Countries servers.Fast and Stable!
VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.
If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?
If you need Change your IP address?
If you need Watch BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the World?
If you need Watch Netflix Outside the US?
VpnTraffic features:
- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!
- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to
- No bandwidth limitations
- Encrypts your internet traffic
- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.
- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)
- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec
- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers
What you need is a VPN account !
Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.
High Speed
All country server
buy cheap vpn

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

gr det att se netflix i thailand

gr det att se netflix i thailand

gr det att se netflix i thailand
gr det att se netflix i thailand
VPN (av engelska virtual private network, p svenska virtuellt privat ntverk) r en teknik som anvnds fr att skapa skra frbindelser, s kallade tunnlar, mellan tv punkter i ett oskert datantverk (ssom Internet).
Varfr ska man anvnda en VPN tjnst?
* Dlja ditt riktiga IP
* Skra din Internet-anslutning
* F en IP-adress i ett annat land
* Frhindra spionerande p ditt kontor / arbete / skola
* Kringg proxies och filter
* F tillgng till blockerade webbplatser (som i Thailand, Frenade Arabemiraten, Egypten etc.)
* Tillgng till BBC IPlayer Channel 4, Amerikanska webb-tv tjnster som Hulu m.m.
* Kringg ISPs hastighetsbegrnsningar p P2P-ntverk
* Spela online-spel, anvnda Spype, MSN och ICQ.
* Frhindra online-attacker
* Du ser cool ut fr dina vnner
Varfr r VPN bttre n en webbproxy nr du surfar p ntet?
Fr det frsta, proxies r endast webbaserade. Vilket innebr att de r till fr att visa webbsidor och drfr ger dig inte skydd nr du anvnder Internet fr e-post, ICQ, MSN, spel, fildelning etc. Med VPN gr all Internet-trafiken ver en sker anslutning. Fr det andra, finns risken att anonyma web proxies stjl eller lagrar dina inloggningsuppgifter till ngon webbplats som du besker. Detta beror p ngon webbplats du besker (till exempel Hotmail eller PayPal) leds genom proxy, och mnga av dessa platser drivs av bedragare som kan tmma din konton och komma t dina data. Anvnd en plitlig VPN leverantr och du kommer att vara sker.
VpnTraffic-1 Knacka p vpn, Servrar i mer n 35 lnder.Snabb och stabil!
VpnTraffic - Allt i en knackning vpn , ls upp ditt Internet, Kringg platsbaserade blockeringar! Vlj en serverplats fratt ansluta till, VPN-Servrar i mer n 35 lnder runt om i vrlden.Std fr PPTP och L2TP/IPsec.
Om du behver Avblockera alla webbplatser inklusive Facebook, Twitter och mer?
Om du behver ndra din IP-adress?
Om du behver Titta p BBC iPlayer frn ngonstans i vrlden?
Om du behver titta p Netflix Utanfr USA?
VpnTraffic fr funktioner:
- 1 knackning p anslut till vr VPN-server, gratis installation!
- Spara anvndarnamn / lsenord, vlj bara en serverplats, att ansluta till
- Inga bandbreddsbegrnsningar
- Krypterar din Internet-trafik
- Avblockera statliga och fretags begrnsningar Kringg platsbaserade
- Obegrnsad vxling mellan VPN-servern platser (i mer n 35 lnder
runt om i vrlden)
- Std fr PPTP och L2TP/IPsec
- Fungerar med wifi, 3G, GSM och alla mobila dataenheter
VPN-servrar runt om i vrlden:
- Europa: Storbritannien, Frankrike, Tyskland, Sverige, Ryssland,Spanien, Schweiz, Italien, Nederlnderna, Norge, Danmark, Belgien,Tjeckien, Polen, Rumnien
- Amerika: USA, Kanada, Mexiko, Colombia, Argentina, Brasilien
- Asien: Kina, Indien, Japan, Frenade Arabemiraten, Malaysia,Singapore, Sydkorea, Turkiet, Indonesien, Thailand, Filippinerna,Hongkong, Vietnam, Israel, Saudiarabien, Kuwait
- vriga: Australien
Inte bara fr Android app, VpnTraffic stdjer ven andra OS, Skra din PC eller Mac.
Kp vpn
Vpn-trafik - frigr ditt Internet,F tillgng till Skype,VoIP,TV-kanaler och strmmande video s som: Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer. Grunt platsbaserade blockeringar! VPN-servrar i mer n 40 lnder runtom i vrlden. Stdjer PPTP och L2TP/IPsec.
What you need is a VPN account !
Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.
High Speed
All country server
buy cheap vpn at vpntraffic

Tuesday, 1 January 2013



เทคโนโลยี VPN คืออะไร
VPN ย่อมาจาก Virtual Private Network เป็นเทคโนโลยีการเชื่อมต่อเครือข่ายนอกอาคาร (WAN - Wide Area Network) เป็นระบบเครือข่ายภายในองค์กร ซึ่งเชื่อมเครือข่ายในแต่ละสาขาเข้าด้วยกัน โดยอาศัย Internet เป็นตัวกลาง มีการทำ Tunneling หรือการสร้างอุโมงค์เสมือนไว้รับส่งข้อมูล มีระบบเข้ารหัสป้องกันการลักลอบใช้ข้อมูล เหมาะสำหรับองค์กรขนาดใหญ่ซึ่งต้องการความคล่องตัวในการติดต่อรับส่งข้อมูลระหว่างสาขามีประสิทธิภาพเช่นเดียวกับ Private Network
ยกตัวอย่างให้เข้าใจง่าย เช่น
- ผมต้องการจะเล่นเกมในประเทศเกาหลี แต่เกมนั้นบล็อค IP ต่างประเทศ( เช่นเกม Aion) ผมเลยต้องการเครือข่ายเสมือนที่อยู่ในประเทศเกาหลี ผมจึงซื้อ VPN เพื่อเชื่อมต่อระหว่างอินเตอร์เน็ตของผมในประเทศไทย ไปยังผู้ให้บริการ VPN ในประเทศเกาหลี ทีนี้ ผมก็ไม่ถูกบล็อคแล้ว เพราะผมเปรียบเสมือนกำลังเล่นเน็ตอยู่ที่ประเทศเกาหลี
- ผมต้องการเล่นเกมในประเทศจีน แต่รู้กันว่าเน็ตจากไทย ไปจีน มีค่า ping สูงมาก เพราะสายเน็ตต่อไปจีนไม่ค่อยดี แต่ถ้าเน็ตผมเชื่อมต่อไปประเทศฮ่องกง ก็จะมีค่า Ping ที่ต่ำมาก (ต่ำกว่าประเทศเกาหลี) และจากฮ่องกงไปจีน ก็ต่ำมากเช่นกัน ดังนั้นผมจึงซื้อ VPN เพื่อเชื่อมต่อระหว่างอินเตอร์เน็ตของผมในประเทศไทย กับ ผู้บริการ VPN ในประเทศฮ่องกง ทีนี้ผมก็เปรียบเสมือนเล่นเน็ตในฮ่องกงละ ก็จะไม่แลคอีกต่อไป
ถ้าคุณต้องการปลดบล็อกทุกเว็บไซต์รวมถึงเฟสบุค ทวิตเตอร์ และอื่นๆ
ถ้าคุณต้องการดูช่องบีบีซี จากทั่วทุกมุมโลก
ถ้าคุณต้องการดูเน็ทฟลิกซ์นอกประเทศ USA
VpnTraffic สำหรับระบบปฏิบัติการแอนดรอย
-แตะเพียงครั้งเดียวสามารถเชื่อมต่อเซิฟเวอร์Vpn ของเราได้ทันที(ติดตั้งฟรี)
-จดจำยูสเซอร์เนมและรหัสผ่าน ต้องการเพียงแต่เลือกเซิฟเวอร์ที่อยู่เพื่อเชื่อมต่อ
-สวิทช์ได้ไม่จำกัดระหว่าง VPN เซิร์ฟเวอร์กับ 35 ประเทศทั่วโลก
-ซัพพอร์ต PPTP และ L2TP/IPSEC
-สามารถเล่นได้ด้วยทั้ง 3G WIFI GSM และเครือข่ายโทรศัพท์เคลื่อนที่ทุกเครือข่าย
- ยุโรป: อังกฤษ, ฝรั่งเศส, เยอรมัน, สวีเดน, รัสเซีย, สเปน, สวิส, อิตาลี, เนเธอร์แลนด์, นอร์เวย์, เดนมาร์ก, เบลเยียม, เช็ก, โปแลนด์, โรมาเนีย
- อเมริกา: สหรัฐอเมริกา, แคนาดา, เม็กซิโก โคลัมเบีย อาร์เจนตินา บราซิล
- เอเชีย: จีน, อินเดีย, ญี่ปุ่น, United Arab Emirates, มาเลเซีย, สิงคโปร์, เกาหลี, ตุรกี, อินโดนีเซีย, ไทย, ฟิลิปปินส์, ฮ่องกง, เวียดนาม, อิสราเอล, ซาอุดีอาระเบีย, คูเวต
- อื่น ๆ : ออสเตรเลีย
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